Some thoughts here and there.

Okay, real talk, blogging often is hard shit. We care so much about you and your time. We don’t write posts for the sake of writing posts. If we have a passionate topic, you’ll see it here. Otherwise trust we are probably just busy making something great for the citizens of the interwebs.


iPad accounts for 97 percent of US tablet web browsing

So we all know I am a geek, and love all things apple. I still give a lot of respect to the others out there. When chatting about tablets, it’s hard NOT to talk about the ipad, but there are plenty of others. A few great android tablets and the HP & Blackberry are pretty…

By Matt Adams
June 24, 2011

The medium is changing

Do you remember when news was only in print and on the TV? Then came the internet. would have all the latest news on demand, a simple click or two away. Things are changing faster than ever. This week I have been really thinking about blogs and RSS feed readers. For a few years…

By Matt Adams
June 10, 2011

Train for the finish line

In recent months both Ryan (business development here at factor1) and I have been training hard. Ryan is training for an ironman and I have been training for a century road race. And as we talk about the process, the weekly plans and the pain, I see a lot of parallels in business as a…

By Matt Adams
May 19, 2011

Welcome to the new site

This has been in the works for a while now. We went all wordpress, all html5 with it. Its also super mobile friendly. Try it now! Go ahead, drag the lower right tab of your browser and make your screen smaller. All the content re-wraps with ease and grace. Ipad, android tablet, iphone, blackberry, windows…

By Matt Adams
May 12, 2011

Woah, its 2011?

Wow, we have been crazy busy. Our last blog post was in december 2010. Lots going on around here at factor1. Very exciting start to the year. Thought I should share some tid bits so you know we are still alive. What have we been up to you ask? First, lots of site launches. Like,…

By Matt Adams
April 15, 2011

Santa Photos Site launch

See, We told you we have been busy around here. Lots of new projects launching this season. was a very cool project to be working on. Mall Santas are a big deal. Many families want to find the same santa year after year, to provide great tradition, and consistency to their family photos. We…

By Matt Adams
December 2, 2010

Waters Edge Church Site launch

Waters Edge Church came to us several times over the course of the last year. Spending lots of time researching their options, talking with multiple firms and designers. After they weighed their options, they went with factor1. We spent a lot of time talking about their culture, personality, staff, and where they were heading. We…

By Matt Adams
November 23, 2010

c3 site launch & another great testimonial

Okay so we have been slammed around here and forget to update our blog. This site launched a few months ago, but we still wanted to feature it. uses one of our new products for small / new start up organizations – website awesome. This is Gary Lambs 4th site with us, and wanted…

By Matt Adams
November 17, 2010

Business is like riding a bike

I’m an avid mountain biker, road biker, and cyclist. I ride my bike to the office every day, to church on a regular basis, and anywhere I can. I have been riding a lot for the better part of 7 years. Even spent most of my childhood on a bike. Riding for recreation, exercise, fun,…

By Matt Adams
October 14, 2010

Placing value on quality

Where do you stand where quality counts? Oxford suits is the only company left in america today that still makes its suits by hand. Seriously by hand. No machines. Can you imagine the hours to sew a single suit? Check out this video: Quality, attention to detail, pride in your work. they all matter.

By Matt Adams
August 30, 2010