Some thoughts here and there.

Okay, real talk, blogging often is hard shit. We care so much about you and your time. We don’t write posts for the sake of writing posts. If we have a passionate topic, you’ll see it here. Otherwise trust we are probably just busy making something great for the citizens of the interwebs.


When that clarity hits you like a truck

We recently overhauled our site—well, recently is a lie—it’s been on my mind off and on for years. It was hard. We help so many others find their clarity and strategy, but here our site was, the true victim of the shoe cobblers’ children—or however that saying goes. As we started to really apply our…

By Factor1
February 20, 2025

Oh Sh!t – 20 years of factor1

It’s hard to believe that 20 years ago, factor1 was officially started. While we are at it, it’s hard to believe I’m that old to be honest. Somedays, I still feel like that dumb 20-something-year-old kid, thinking they have this all figured out—only to be still guessing. Some history About 25 years ago, I sat…

By Matt Adams
August 14, 2024

Before I buy from you

We all sit here, with a minimum of a dozen options on which brand to buy, which will last longer, which is the best value, which helps me achieve my goal. This applies to everything. Cars, shoes, computers, phones, coffee, I could go on for an hour and not run out of industries and products…

By Factor1
March 26, 2020

There’s magic in being the best

A friend of mine runs a pretty high end moving company, and they are simply the best movers in their category. They aren’t the cheapest, they aren’t for everyone. But in the category of luxury movers, they are hands down the best, and they have the reviews, testimonials, and growth to prove it. The funny…

By Matt Adams
January 25, 2020

What kinds of projects do you take?

When we were young, we would work on anything. I mean anything. It was fun, challenging and we thought it made us better at our jobs. The reality is doing less for more focused clients actually made us even better. The more time went on, the more we found our deep skills and where we…

By Factor1
October 30, 2019

What if getting it right the first time is wrong?

You know the old saying, ‘Do it right the first time.’ What if that’s not the right answer though? What if the first time was a warm-up, a trial, a learning experience? What if the first time was a baseline to measure against? Often, we want to dive in and spend time crafting the perfect…

By Matt Adams
April 9, 2019

Lessons Learned From Building 200+ Websites

Over the years our team has built on a lot of sites, over 200 for sure. We don’t have a hard count because our earliest sites are hard to find. Some, are you sitting, were built with FLASH. It gives me chills to think we started off making band sites with flash and grungy fonts,…

By Matt Adams
April 28, 2018

So what is a wireframe in the web design process?

In every industry there is a sub language. Words, phrases, shorthand that really only speaks to those that already get it. So here we are, designers, talking about a bunch of stuff that makes no sense to you. I want to change that. Today, let’s unpack “wireframes”. So in a nut shell, a wireframe is…

By Matt Adams
February 2, 2018

Setting Up Server Environments For A Seamless Git Deployment

Chances are, you’re already using a Git repository to track your code changes. So wouldn’t it make sense to just push those changes to your server? Wouldn’t it be nice to just push your develop branch to a staging environment and push your master branch to a production environment? I’m going to assume you already…

By Eric Stout
January 23, 2017

Harnessing the Power of the Classy API to drive online donations

We humans love to see the success stories. It’s why we watch movies, award shows, and get sucked into a good book. We like to see if the hero gets the job done and wins the heart of that special someone at the same time. Seeing the win is just something that draws us in.…

By Eric Stout
December 16, 2016