Some thoughts here and there.
Okay, real talk, blogging often is hard shit. We care so much about you and your time. We don’t write posts for the sake of writing posts. If we have a passionate topic, you’ll see it here. Otherwise trust we are probably just busy making something great for the citizens of the interwebs.
One of the great lessons of the man we celebrate today, Martin Luther King Jr., is that change requires action: “One of the great tragedies of life is that men seldom bridge the gulf between practice and profession, between doing and saying.” That tag line on your ad stating that “customer service is the difference”…
have you ever noticed how many web pages you visit NEVER change after they are released? OR have you been to a website that has a posted item or a blog where the date is still form last year? What were your thoughts? Did you you think the company had died? Did you think that…
Often I enjoy looking at my past work. No, not as a self-aware, look how great that came out, thing. The complete opposite. “Look how terrible that idea was”, or maybe a “What was I thinking?” thought. Looking back on history is great. Its good to know where you came from, to know where you…
Does your company stick to one style? How do you decide how to define your company? Is it important to have a distinct style? Well this is what we call your brand. And yes it’s definitely important to be distinct and memorable. It’s what distinguishes you from your competition, it’s what tells your customers the… Factor 1 has been our church’s web design company on two projects now. It is totally awesome to be able to work with people who are 1,500 miles away and feel like their next door. The design team is fresh, edgy, and unique. What a breath of fresh air to be able to work…
I’m sure many of you have heard, yellow has been named the new “in” color of the year. With all the dismal news these days of the economy, the housing market, and other current events, people want to feel uplifted. Marketing changes with the times and the needs of the people and color trends usually…
Last week Hyundai announced its “assurance” program. Stating that if you buy a new hyundai and have a life altering event (job loss, medial illness, bankruptcy, etc), they will let you return the car in the first year. See the full details on hyundai’s site. From the CNN article: With no extra charge to the sticker price,…
In one of my favorite small business books: the E-Myth, by Michael Gerber, Gerber discusses IBM. In the 1950’s era of IBM, the executive team dreamt of what IBM would look like in 25 years and how they would operate. From there, they pledged to operate today like that company. The company they dreamed of being…
We are super excited to announce our new site is finally done. Shannon, Ryan and I have been working on it a lot. It has been a great process, to re-think the typical design firm site. We found a lot of our clients didnt like sites that were all about the company, and less about…