Friends dont let friends use IE6.

I found a great website to help promote the extermination of IE 6 use. I normally use Safari. But Opera is growing on me. It has some slick features. So if you are a developer, help promote this. If you are a client / potential client, please stop using IE 6. Seriously, it was…

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Interesting thing about creating value

I have been thinking about the value of high milage cars. And something I find funny, is sometimes the balance between usability and actual MPG is so vast, that I fail to see the point, yet many consumers are hooked by the car companies that have created hype and value. 3 cars for comparison The…

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Audience and screen size on different mediums.

Is this funny, or it just me? In the world of web, when we have 25% of the viewers on a small screen, we accommodate to them. We base our site designs to fit to the weakest, least advanced of the population. Yet in the world of TV, now that 20% of the market has…

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Stuff I find on the interwebs.

Welcome to another exciting edition of “stuff Matt finds on the web”. Wow the internet never ceases to amaze me. So many amazing developers, designers and some times idiots live on the web. Email Spam Blocker – Enkoder This tool is sweet. Hides your email from spammers. Comes in 2 flavors. An online edition, and…

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Is it stealing?

So I browse the web. A lot. I tend to look at a lot of design firm websites. So today I pose this question: Is using apple application icons on your site stealing? I see this the most when browsing design firm sites. I see they use the great little system preferences icon. Or the…

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Site launches – June 3

More Site launches. Westridge Church Westridge Church has been in progress for a long time. The team at westridge and the factor 1 team has spent many hours on fine tuning, designing and developing a knock out site. Its probably one of my favorites out right now. Church Relevant This is probably the craziest…

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