Some thoughts here and there.

Okay, real talk, blogging often is hard shit. We care so much about you and your time. We don’t write posts for the sake of writing posts. If we have a passionate topic, you’ll see it here. Otherwise trust we are probably just busy making something great for the citizens of the interwebs.


Happy birthday Shannon!

yes, today is Shannon Noack’s birthday. If you have worked with Shannon on any of your projects, you need to wish her a happy birthday! or I think she said she wants this classic shirt from veer. I draw pictures all day Also noteworthy today, Shannon has been on staff with Factor1 for 2 years…

By Matt Adams
March 18, 2010

Just Add Hard Work

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. — Thomas Edison Not everyone can come up with killer ideas, and execute. We are all different. Some people love the ideas, but fail to follow through. Others stink at being creative, but are great at getting it done.…

By Matt Adams
March 15, 2010

Trials and Errors

There are a lot of things that we never try for lack of courage, extra finances or motivation. However, we all know that some of the best discoveries are made through relentless trials and successive errors. Our businesses and organizations are very much our labs for experimentation. Don’t let our slick websites fool you… we…

By Matt Adams
March 9, 2010

The Web Manual – The Search Part 2

As part of our on going series, The Web Manual, we continue with Search Engines part 2. Last week, in part 1, we talked about content, content, and more content. The Search – Part 2 So content is important. Some say the most important. Now lets say you do have great content. but so does…

By Matt Adams
March 5, 2010

Free Marketing Opportunities

Grumpy, scared people miss out on the best marketing opportunities. Down the street from my house is a delicious little bakery; fresh doughnuts, pastries and breads every morning. Across the street from this bustling little place are two nameless businesses and a therapeutic massage clinic. During the busy mornings you can’t find parking in front…

By Matt Adams
March 1, 2010

The Web Manual – The Search part 1

As part of our on going series, The Web Manual, we will dive into the world of search engines. Now I know you have an awesome website, and are now working on some quality content for your site.Today lets talk about the search engine. This post isn’t designed to be a full search engine optimization…

By Matt Adams
February 25, 2010

2 Twitter Truths

There is a lot of debate about the value of Facebook & Twitter. Here are two things that can make them worth some of your time. 1. Follow people, businesses or organizations that matter to you. Identify those who are in your field or in your area of interests. People are watching who you follow.…

By Matt Adams
February 22, 2010

New Series: The Web Manual

If you are like most of our clients, you need a great web presence, and you have better things to do than figure out how to do it yourself. So you hire great companies (like factor1) and you end up with a great looking site. But now what? How do you manage content? How do…

By Matt Adams
February 18, 2010

For your customers

It’s really easy to lose sight of WHO your website is for. We all know it is for our customers. In fact, I would argue it is for the people who aren’t our customers yet but who we really want to be our customers. TRUTH is that we are all guilty, us included, of designing…

By Matt Adams
February 15, 2010

The Hustle

“Things may come to those who wait…but only the things left by those who hustle.” – Abraham Lincoln Do you hustle? Do you give every day all you have? In reality, we are all pretty average. We lead average lives, run average businesses, and do the things we have to. Hustle changes all of that.…

By Matt Adams
February 12, 2010