Do you have a site that is popular with the iPhone users? Want to be really cool and have a custom iPhone WebClip icon? maybe have a “Dial Me” link?
A webclip icon is the small graphic icon that iPhone uses as the image to launch your site.
All you have to do is create your icon at 57 x 57px and save as a png, name it “apple-touch-icon.png”. Now place it in the root directory of your site. You don’t even need to worry about adding the glossy highlight or round corners, the iPhone does all that for you. Safari on the iPhone will now recognize your icon when a user adds your site to their homescreen.
iPhone Dial Link
Call me on your iphone links
Just like a Click to email, now we can provide links to dial phone numbers with the tel: URL scheme:
[a href=“tel:1-408-555-5555“ ]1-408-555-5555 [/a]
(sorry for the [ ] in place of <>, i didnt want the blog to actually make that a link)
Pretty sweet huh.