In this hyper-connected era people come to your web page long before they come to your restaurant, your store, your church, your meeting or employ your services. What does your web site say about you? Does it connect with your current followers or is it aimed at reaching people who aren’t yet in your loop of influence? Does your site clearly and quickly convey your core message? Does your site reflect your style, your values or your unique position? These are all very important factors to consider because whether or not you have intentionally designed your site with these things in mind, these are the types of things that people are inferring about you based on the experience on your web site.
Huge reminder = People DO make decisions based on your web presence, fair or not.
Some quick and easy things tim make improvements:
– Determine your audience – Identify your target audience and always have them in mind when doing anything on your website.
– Clean up your content – Keep it straight forward and easy to understand. Most people say to much and don’t get to the facts and basics fast enough.
– Less is more – If you don’t have high level of graphic design abilities or insights then certainly error on the side of ‘less’. Keep your site clean, fresh and under control. Don’t over use graphics (especially ones you copied & pasted), fonts, font colors and amateur photos.