who do you want to be when you grow up?

By Matt Adams
January 2, 2009

In one of my favorite small business books: the E-Myth, by Michael Gerber, Gerber discusses IBM. In the 1950’s era of IBM, the executive team dreamt of what IBM would look like in 25 years and how they would operate. From there, they pledged to operate today like that company. The company they dreamed of being in 25 years.
I’m not the biggest fan of new years resolutions. I think goals and resolutions should be an on going process throughout the year. I will admit that I am always reminded I need to do some goal setting this time of year.
We always try and set goals here at factor 1. Not so much on the financial / sales end. Those are pretty easy to set (who doesn’t want to make enough money to cover the payroll and expenses, and still have a profit right?). We spend our goal setting process on dreams. Where do we want to be in X months / years? What milestones do we want to hit? New offices? Added staff? New products? Dream clients and projects? We talk about them all. Some are for this year, some are for the next 5 years. 
Almost like a kid, dreaming of what they want to be when they grow up. So I ask, who do you want to be when you grow up? or even 5 years from now? How will your goals and resolutions today help you get there?

By Matt Adams
January 2, 2009